Private Sessions

At this time, the primary focus of Eve’s private practice is working one-on-one with clients both in-person and online, utilizing Mogadao Qigong, Depth Sexuality & Post-Daoist philosophy as well as oracular rites and intuitive counseling to develop custom personal cultivation practices and rituals that call upon the full capacity of one’s most authentic self in service of full-spectrum health, liberated embodiment, radical expression and deeply rooted ecstasy.


There are two primary forms the Private Sessions take:


Jing Reclamation

Online or in-person

This utterly unique form of Counsel has arisen organically from working with people who have experienced the Qigong teachings and wanted to deepen their work in a focused, one-on-one format.

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Tea Counsel

In-person, Eve’s studio / garden

Sitting within the profound space created by the simple, subtle medicine of Tea, a unique opportunity arises with grace and ease for deep inquiry and crystalline perception into the complexities of our human existence.

Perfect for special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, life transitions)


“I found Eve, as a practitioner, at a time in my life when I was struggling with grief, autoimmune disease, depression and embodiment. I found myself drawn to Mogadao Qigong because I was looking for a practice that could help me feel safe in my body, and ease my emotional and physical dis-ease. First and foremost, Eve's confidence, and life experience helped me to feel safe, trust her and the work she is doing whole heartedly. She met me right where I was. This was important to me because I did not feel any pressure to show up emotionally where I was not.  This allowed for deeper trust in Eve and in the practices. Eve has a great relationship with words so, while going through the Qigong forms, Eve gave subtle cues, metaphors, and teachings which helped significantly to relate and feel comfortable with what I was feeling. After four weeks there were noticeable changes in my emotional well being. On the days that I would do the forms, with Eve, or on my own, what I could remember, I found that my emotional state was more stable, I had more energy and I felt as though I was starting my day addressing myself at a core/soul level, which brought ease to my heart. 
I am very grateful to Eve's passion to share these important practices, they have brought me hope and peace, one day at a time.”
 ~Jamie Bell